Casa Loma is now open for general admission and we look forward to welcoming guests back to the Castle.
The health and safety of our visitors and staff is our top priority. We have implemented the following to ensure you have a safe experience:
- We are limiting the number of people in the Castle at any one time to allow for physical distancing.
- We will be open Wednesday through Sunday from 9:30am to 5:00pm daily – this will help us maintain our high standards of cleanliness and give you a safe and enjoyable experience.
- We have increased our cleaning schedule and will be disinfecting high touch and high traffic areas multiple times a day.
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The health and safety of our visitors and staff is our top priority. We have implemented the following to ensure you have a safe experience:
- We are limiting the number of people in the Castle at any one time to allow for physical distancing.
- We will be open Wednesday through Sunday from 9:30am to 5:00pm daily – this will help us maintain our high standards of cleanliness and give you a safe and enjoyable experience.
- We have increased our cleaning schedule and will be disinfecting high touch and high traffic areas multiple times a day.
- Masks and/or face coverings are required for visitors and staff while onsite.
Open Wednesday – Sunday 9.30am-5pm
1 Austin Terrace, Toronto, ON | T: (416) 923-1171 | E: info@pdvxt.kinamusic.net
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Open Wednesday – Sunday 9.30am-5pm
1 Austin Terrace, Toronto, ON
T: (416) 923-1171 | E: info@pdvxt.kinamusic.net
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